Ads Onboarding

1. Watch this FIRST:


In this video I’ll outline:

– Our Facebook Ads Marketing strategy

– A business value ladder

– Brainstorming a Lead Magnet

– What I need from you

2. Add me as a Facebook Ads “advertiser” on your Account(s)


*** You must become “Facebook friends” with anyone who you are trying to add as an advertiser on your Facebook Ads account!

So send me a request if we aren’t friends already. I promise to “accept” ;).

1. Let’s be friends! If we’re not friends already, please send me a friend request (

2. Add me as a user on your facebook business page with “editor” permissions.

a. Head to your facebook business page

b. Click “Settings” on the upper right.

c. Click “Page Roles” on the left.

d. Add me as en “editor” by typing in “Vu Tribe”

3.a. If you don’t have a Facebook Business manager account, you’re all set! I’ll take it from here and create ad campaigns on my end.


3.b. If you DO have a Facebook Business Manager account, please add me as a user on your account. Watch the video below.

a. Ads Manger > Settings (top right cog wheel)

a.1. Add your business page- Settings > Pages > Add

a.2. Add your ad account- Settings > Add Accounts > Add > Create A New Ad Account

b. “Users” on the left > “People” underneath

c. Middle column “Add” button

d. Enter in my email: [email protected] and toggle “Admin access”.

F. Once I accept from my email, add “Vu Tribe” as a user on your Business  Manager Account with access to your Business Page and your Ad Account.

3. Targeting & Sales Copy Forms:


1. Fill this out as best you can. 😉

2. Don’t stress about the questions! Just give the answer that first comest to mind!

3a. About Your Business Goals & Targeting Your Ideal Clients

3b. Let’s Write Some Killer Sales Copy!


Helpful Notes:

– Think about your ideal client and use their words as best you can.

– Answer these regarding your specific brand or a product within your brand.

– Don’t forget to have fun!

4. Let’s Start Advertising!


After watching the videos on this page, brainstorming your Value Ladder & Lead Magnet, submitting the Targetting & Sales Copy forms AND adding me as a Facebook Ads “Advertiser” role (whew!), please contact me and let me know that you’re ready to rock n’ roll.

I will use this ammo as well as any other details we may have already talked about, and begin to create your Ad Campaign and Marketing Funnel.

This process could take 2-5 days depending on our team’s workload at the moment.

Once I have everything ready to go (Facebook Post drafted, Ad Campaign created and targeted, landing pages designed and ready…) then I will contact you, ask for your blessing, and we can launch your campaign 🙂

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Cell: 206 209 7822

Talk soon!
